The Bishop William L. Higi领导力奖是学校的最高认可,每年在Guerin Catholic的年度颁奖典礼上颁发.

2024 Bishop William L. Higi 领导 Award Recipients

Miranda Wood Armie ’09 校友奖

Miranda Wood Armie ’09


米兰达(伍德)艾米是2009年Guerin天主教班的积极参与者. 除了 to performing in nearly every musical, Miranda was also involved in GoldenVoice, 体育运动, 爵士合唱, 校园部, 是天主教生活学生委员会的创始成员之一,也是圣. Teresa of Avila Senior 领导 Award. Even as an alumnus, 米兰达慷慨地将她的时间和才华以各种方式奉献给了她的母校.

自2017年成立以来,一直是凯琳天主教校友会的成员, Miranda has served as Council President since 2022, 即将完成她在学校管理委员会的第三年任期,并带头组织2009年的班级聚会.

“Guerin Catholic在我的生活中扮演着不可或缺的角色,”Armie说. “My time at Guerin not only prepared me academically, 但给了我机会与基督相遇,并为我成长为一名忠实的天主教徒奠定了基础. It fostered the development of authentic Christian friendships, introduced me to my now-husband, and supported me as I grew into my vocation as a wife and mother.”

米兰达和丈夫肖恩是在2006-07学年的神学课上认识的. 他们是卡梅尔山圣母堂区的成员,也是五个孩子的骄傲父母。, 爱丽丝(8), 塞尔达(5), 犹大(3), and Julian (8 months).

“看到米兰达一直如此自由地为Guerin Catholic奉献自己的时间和才能,我真的很惭愧,” said Lynn Spartz, GC’s Director of Annual 给 and 校友 Relations. “她对自己所做的一切都是如此专注和热情,为了满足周围所有人的需求,她完美地兼顾了自己的角色和责任. 她优雅地在她的职业中树立了“用爱服务”的榜样,并为我们所有人树立了榜样.”

Tom and Amy Smith 社区奖

Tom and Amy Smith



在最初的几年里,艾米几乎没有浪费时间参与家长协会,并最终担任了2015-2016学年和2016-2017学年的主席. 2017年,在她的第二个任期结束后,她慷慨地接受了成为进步委员会成员的邀请. 此外,自2015年以来,Amy一直是学校管理委员会的成员.

汤姆自2021年起担任设施主席,并一直担任学校管理委员会成员. 在一起, Tom和Amy在2020年共同主持了Guerin Catholic Gala,现在担任Guerin Catholic Unite+Build+Soar运动的共同主席.

“我们一直希望帮助推进Guerin天主教会的使命,并通过这些努力将其他人带到基督面前,” said the Smiths. “我们将永远珍惜在最终将美术和健康中心变为现实的过程中发挥的作用, 但如果没有这么多人的帮助,这是不可能完成的, and the very generous donors. We gratefully share this award with them.”

St的成员. Maria Goretti Parish, 史密斯家的四个孩子都从2017年的Guerin Catholic-Abby中学毕业, 依奇的18, 汤米的19, 和艾玛22.

David and Jeanne Stordy 社区奖

David and Jeanne Stordy


In 2015, 斯托迪一家搬到了印第安纳州中部,并让他们的三个大孩子就读于格林天主教学校. 从那时起, 他们坚定地植根于学校的天主教使命,是学校最大的啦啦队员.

“From the very beginning, we realized there was something special about the faculty, staff and greater GC community, and we wanted to get involved,”珍妮说。.

Once the family was settled in their home, Jeanne成为家长公会的成员,并在最初几年担任委员会主席,最终在2021-22学年担任家长公会主席. 除了, 珍妮是天主教生活委员会的成员,大卫和珍妮都担任联合+建设+腾飞运动的联合主席.

“We are truly blessed to have the leadership, 奉献, 专业知识, passion and love of GC from David and Jeanne. Even though the work of the Campaign is not yet over, 他们愿意继续努力工作,并邀请其他人参与这个非凡的项目. 我们非常感激他们的爱和支持. 他们配得上这个最负盛名的奖项——他们真正体现了这个奖项的精神,” said Lori Norris, Vice President of Institutional Advancement.

The Stordys are members of St. Maria Goretti Parish, 斯托迪的五个孩子中有四个毕业于Guerin Catholic-Thomas ' 16, 玛格丽特的18, Kaitlyn ’17 and Charles ’22. Their youngest John will graduate in 2025.

凯伦·肯尼迪 教师/Staff Award


教师/Staff Award

凯伦·肯尼迪于2005年加入Guerin Catholic,担任科学教师, just before the start of the school’s second year. “I was captivated by the mission of the school, 当有机会在这里教书时,他就欣然接受了,肯尼迪说. A mainstay in the GC Science Department, Kennedy has spent the past 19 years teaching chemistry, 物理, IB Chemistry with some ICP and environmental science sprinkled in.

A colleague since Karen’s arrival at Guerin Catholic in 2005, 物理 teacher Hugh Ross said, “Karen is not only a brilliant scientist, but she also has great 奉献, love and compassion for her students. 她的心不仅致力于教育,而且热爱、引导和指导他们.”


“From the mission of my alma mater, 波士顿学院, 我相信我们应该植根于一种呼唤我们学习的世界观, to search for truth and to live in service to others. In an age of specializing niche learning, Guerin Catholic has continued to promote a liberal arts education. From The Holy See’s Teaching on Catholic Schools, 作为一名天主教学校的教育者,就是要“强调人不可剥夺的尊严”,” not to be involved in mere factual transactions. At Guerin Catholic, we have stayed true to these ideals, remain grounded in our Catholic faith, 我为每一个参与举办这门课程的人感到骄傲,肯尼迪说。.

On receiving the Bishop William L. Higi领导奖,Karen说,“获得这个奖,当然是受宠若惊. 我每天都和才华横溢的同事们一起工作,他们为这个社区付出了这么多,也配得上这个奖. We have gone through much together, personally and professionally. Having people to walk with, 庆祝, laugh and cry with makes the load lighter and the journey easier.”

Reflecting upon the award’s namesake, Kennedy remarked, “I remember Bishop Higi at the groundbreaking ceremony last fall. 他在感谢那些使Guerin取得今天成功的人. I was so moved by his humility, his lack of need for accolades, and his turning the tables to thank others. It was beautiful.”

凯伦和她的丈夫约翰是卡梅尔山教区圣母堂的成员,有三个孩子,他们都毕业于盖林天主教-丹尼' 13, Nick ’16 and Chloe ’18.

Previous Award Recipients

Shannon (Murray) Strong ’07校友奖
Deacon Paul Lunsford 社区奖
黛比Stanisz 教师/Staff Award

Adriana (Pratt) Mansour ’08 校友奖
特伦斯P. 维斯 社区奖
迈克尔Panasuk 教师/Staff Award
Christine Williams 教师/Staff Award

乔·加西亚07年 校友奖
Bill and Caroline Godfrey 社区奖
马克Duray 社区奖
利昂娜Chianello 教师/Staff Award

Sam Gardner ’08 校友奖
Fr. 戴尔Ehrman 社区奖
Mike and Grace Pratt 社区奖
玛西娅墨菲 教师/Staff Award

Barbara (Barb) and John Gallina
Deborah and William (Willie) Wood

Monsignor John Duncan
Mr. 克里斯·布劳恩
Mr. 加里·马龙
Mr. 斯科特·舒兹

Bishop Emeritus William L. Higi
(Founding Bishop of Guerin Catholic High School)
