2024-2025 Course Guide


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业务 English / Language Arts 工程 & 技术
美术 健康 and Physical Education 数学
Multi-Disciplinary 科学 社会研究
神学 世界语言 2024-2025 Complete Course Guide (PDF)

业务 – Click on I for course description
Required Courses: Personal Financial 责任 (Class of 2028)
Elective Courses: IB 业务 and Management SL Introduction to Accounting
Introduction to 业务 Sports and Entertainment Marketing

English/Language Arts – Click on I for course description
Required Courses: 英语9 英语9 (Honors)
英语10 英语10 (Honors)
IB Language A: Literature SL IB Language A: Literature HL
Elective Courses: 作文 Creative Writing
Creative Writing 词源
演讲 Student Media (Yearbook)

工程 & 技术 Education – Click on I for course description
Required Courses: Digital Applications & 责任
Elective Courses: Introduction to Computer 科学 IB Computer 科学, SL
Principles of 工程 IB Design 技术, SL

美术 – Click on I for course description
Year-Long Ensembles: GoldenVoice 塞西莉亚
Sounds of Providence String Orchestra
Beginner Music Elective Courses: 吉他 钢琴我
Intermediate Music Elective Courses: Intermediate Chorus Intermediate 风交响曲
Intermediate String Orchestra Modern Rock Band
音乐理论 & 作文 Percussion Ensemble
钢琴二世 Songwriting and Production
Advanced Music Elective Courses: 先进的钢琴 房子带
声音工作室 Saint Theodora’s Jazz Orchestra
IB Elective Courses: IB音乐SL IB音乐HL
Theatre Elective Courses: 戏剧艺术 IB剧院SL
Visual Arts Elective Courses: 陶瓷我 陶瓷二世
数字设计 画我
图二世 Intro to Two-Dimensional Art
Intro to Three-Dimensional Art 画我
第二幅画 摄影
雕塑我 雕塑二世
彩色玻璃I 彩色玻璃II
IB Visual Arts SL IB Visual Arts HL

健康 & Physical Education (Kinesiology) – Click on I for course description
Required Courses: 运动机能学我 运动机能学二世
Elective Courses: Current 健康 Issues 强度 & 调节
健身 & 娱乐

数学 – Click on I for course description
Required Courses: 代数我 代数我 (Honors)
代数2 代数2 (Honors)
Finite 数学 Finite 数学 (Honors)
几何 几何 (Honors)
IB 数学 SL IB 数学 HL
有关微积分的知识 有关微积分的知识 (Honors)
Probability and Statistics Probability and Statistics (Honors)
Trigonometry (Honors)

Multi-Disciplinary – Click on I for course description
Elective Courses: Essential Skills Development Cadet Teaching Experience
Career Exploration Internship College-Entrance Preparation
Farming and Food Justice

科学 – Click on I for course description
Required Courses: 生物学我 生物学我 (Honors)
化学我 化学我 (Honors)
IB Chemistry SL IB Chemistry HL
Integrated Chemistry / Physics 物理我
物理我 (Honors)
Elective Courses: 解剖学 & Physiology (Honors) 生物学我I (Honors)
化学我I (Honors) Environmental 科学 (Honors)
物理我I (工程) (Honors)

社会研究 – Click on I for course description
Required Courses: 经济学 经济学 (Honors)
IB历史 IB历史
Modern World Civilization U.S. 政府
U.S. 政府 (Honors)
Elective Courses: Criminal Justice Indiana Studies
International Relations (Offered 2025-2026) 法制教育
Political 科学 (Offered 2024-2025) 心理学
IB 心理学 SL World History and Civilization

神学 – Click on I for course description
Required Courses: 神学 1: Intro to the Human Person and Catholicism 神学 2: Jesus Christ and the Blessed Trinity
神学 3: The Paschal Mystery 神学 4: The Church
神学 5: Moral 神学 神学 6: The Liturgy & 圣礼
IB Theory of Knowledge 神学 7: Christian Vocation
神学 8: Catholic Social Teaching
Elective Courses: 信仰, 科学 and Reason (Offered 2024-2025) 信仰 & 文化 (Offered 2025-2026)
生物伦理学 & 生命的尊严 (Offered 2026-2027) 哲学

世界语言 – Click on I for course description
Elective Courses: 法国我 法国二世
法国第三 IB法语SL
拉丁语我 拉丁二世
拉丁二世I (Honors) IB拉丁语SL
西班牙语我 西班牙二世
西班牙二世I (Honors) IB西班牙语SL
Spanish-Language and 文化 (Honors)